Offer online payment methods suited to your customers, based on the most popular payment methods in each country.
We'll help you with this guide to the most popular online payment methods by country!
North America
The most popular online payment methods in North America.
Latin America
The most popular online payment methods in Latin America.
The most popular online payment methods in Asia.
Pay with:
E-commerce in Indonesia:
Only 4.5% of the population has a bank card. They are used for 7% of online purchases.
What are "Konbinis"?
Konbinis are convenience stores where customers can pay cash for purchases they have made on the internet.
Customers can order products online, select "pay in a konbini," receive an ID number, and make the payment within 6 days. They receive their purchases after the merchant is paid.
E-commerce in Malaysia
Customers often buy from international sites.
What are "Over-the-counter Payments"?
They are a way for customers to order online and pay in cash in payment centers located in the countries in question.
The most popular online payment methods in Europe.
Germany - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Germany:
Important: 80% of Germans do not finish their purchase if the payment methods do not suit them.
Source: Studie Erfolsfaktor Payment 2013
Belgium - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Belgium:
Czech Republic - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Czech Republic:
Denmark - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Denmark:
Finland - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Finland:
France - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in France:
Ireland - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Ireland:
Italy - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Italy:
Norway - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Norway:
Netherlands - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Netherlands:
Portugal - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Portugal:
Romania - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Romania:
Russia - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Russia:
Spain - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Spain:
E-commerce in Spain:
Spanish e-merchants sign contracts with banks, who provide them with payment solutions by Redsys.
Sweden - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Sweden:
Switzerland - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in Switzerland:
United Kingdom - Payment methods
The most popular online payment methods in the United Kingdom:
E-commerce in the United Kingdom:
38% of smartphone owners made at least one payment with their smartphone in 2013
Source: CyberSource – the power of payment